
Our Advantages

  • 15-Day Delivery Time Limit

    We promise to deliver our packages to you within 15 days. If we exceed this limit, we will compensate you. Our special air freight services are comparable to those of express shipping.

  • Smart Risk Control System

    Provides advance avoidance of customs clearance risk, automatic matching with customs declaration requirements, and automatic revision of different countries’ customs policies.

  • Consolidated Freight System Integration

    This system has real-time updating and tracking as well as full visualization. Our one-click ordering will make your experience more relaxing.

  • Tax-Inclusive Domestic and International Customs Clearance

    Our domestic and international team has the most optimal resources to help you create a green lane focused on domestic and international customs clearance for high-quality product channels.

We have achieved successfully

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    Self-owned fixed line

    We have built self-owned lines for the whole process from China to Europe, USA and Japan

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    Within 15 days

    We can deliver parcels rapidly, accurately and safely to 40 countries around the world

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    Save Freight for Customers

    We can apply cloud information technology to match the optimal resources to reduce costs

  • Fulfilled Orders

    Our Consolidation is very popular with customers and spread by words of mouth

Products & Services

About Us

Since its foundation, 

our company has built a first-class service team, 

and established modern intelligent cloud Consolidation

focusing on the improvement of speed and risk protection of consolidation 

Our mission is to ensure your parcels can be safely and efficiently delivered to every corner of the world within 15 days.

Reliable Cooperative Partners

Create an account immediately to experience the pleasant shopping journey

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